Toledo Ohio's premier excavation experts!

5439 Lewis Ave, Toledo, Ohio
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm

Debris Removal

Site Clearing
Debris Removal

Choosing the Right Equipment for Your Site Clearing Project

Choosing the right equipment for clearing a future construction site is crucial for efficiency, safety, and managing costs effectively. It's essential to consider the project's size, the nature of the land, and what you need to remove. This guide will help you determine what equipment you need for your site

by Scott Hammer
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Storm Damage Cleanup
Debris Removal

Simple Guide To Storm Damage Cleanup

When a storm hits, it leaves behind a mess that homeowners are left to tackle. Don't worry; we've got an easy plan for you to handle storm damage cleanup step by step. 1. Stay Safe First Move around carefully. After a storm, look around cautiously. Watch out for fallen power

Toledo Excavators
Debris Removal

Toledo’s Premier Excavation Partner is Grounds One

Are you in search of a reliable excavation company that stands out in Toledo and the surrounding regions of Northwest Ohio and Southeastern Michigan? Look no further than Grounds One – your go-to partner for professional excavation and grading services, work site development, demolition, debris removal, soil and aggregates, pond

Lot Clearing
Debris Removal

Lot Clearing: More Than Just Cutting Trees

Lot clearing may seem like service a tree service would do, but it is much more involved than just removing trees and plants. There is so much more to it than just loud chainsaws and heavy bulldozers. Land clearing readies an area for building, development, or any future use that

Storm Damage
Debris Removal

Storm Debris Removal and Damage Cleanup

When big storms hit Toledo, Grounds One is ready to quickly clean up storm debris and repair damage. Let's take a look at why it's important to remove debris and fallen trees after severe weather. Find out why Grounds One's expertise can turn the mess into renewed landscapes. The Aftermath